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Call Senator Mark Warner Today!

    Thank Senator Mark Warner for expressing his concern about the lockdown on Kashmir and calling on the Indian government to adhere to true democratic principles and “allow for freedom of press, information, and political participation,”.

    Senator Warner is the co-chair of the Senate India Caucus as well as Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. This is an excellent chance for us to push forward on the plight of the Kashmiri people.

    Sample calling script:

    “I would like to thank the Honorable Senator Warner for expressing his concern about the restrictions placed on the inhabitants of Kashmir by the Indian government. These restrictions have been in place for over 2 months now with people dying due to lack of access to necessities and medical care; 13,000 boys have been taken captive by the police without any form of due process or sign of release. There can be no resolution to Kashmiris without centering Kashmiris. We thank the Senator for his concern and urge him to please hold a public hearing on this issue and sponsor a resolution.”

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