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Thank Representative Susan Wild For Her Letter To Modi

    Sample Calling Script

    “Thank you, Representative Wild for participating in Oct 22nd’s Hearing on Human Rights in South East Asia. We thank you for raising the concern for transparency in Kashmir and raising the important question: What is India hiding; why was Senator Chris Van Hollen denied access to the area; and what is India’s justification for the secrecy? As you mentioned even in active war zones, journalists and human rights organizations have always been able to continue their work. Thank toy for your recent letter to the Ambassador of India.” 

    Susan Wild @RepSusanWild

    Thank you for writing the letter to the Indian government asking important questions and holding them accountable on human rights in #Kashmir @RepSusanWild Share on X
    • Pennsylvania’s 7th congressional district
    • 1607 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515
    • Phone: (202) 225-6411
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